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Author: mabrukadmin


إعلان عن بيع مواد مخردة بالمزاد العلني عن طريق الأظرف المغلقة

تعلن شركة مبروك للعمليات النفطية عن البيع بالمزاد العلني لمواد مخردة خاصة بالحاسب الآلي والشبكات

الموقع : موقع شركة مليتة للنفط والغاز بتاجوراء (مصنع الجلود سابقاً)

 يوم الخميس الموافق 28/7/2017 على تمام الساعه 9.30 ص، وذلك حسب الخريطة المرفقة.

وسيتم البيع بنظام المجموعات حسب تقسيم المواد (مجموعة أ، و مجموعة ب).  وعلى كل من يرغب بالمشاركة في المزاد العلني تقديم عرضه والإلتزام بالشروط الآتية:

شروط التقديم للمزاد

يتم البيع جملة واحدة لكل مجموعة من المجموعات المذكورة أعلاه ( أ أو ب) ويجوز التقديم في المجموعتين، بشرط أن يكون عرض كل مجموعة على حدة (عرض منفصل + صك مصدق منفصل).

تتم معاينة المواد يومي الإربعاء والخميس الموافق 20-21/7/2017 من الساعة 9:30 إلى 12:30.

يرفق صك مصدق بإسم شركة مبروك للعمليات النفطيةمع كل عرض في ظرف مغلق مكتوباً عليه إسم المتقدم ورقم المجموعة.

في حالة تساوي أكثر من عرض يتم إعادة المزاد بين الأشخاص المتساويين في العرض فقط وبنفس الوقت، وعلى الفائز أن يستوفي باقي القيمة خلال أسبوع من تاريخه، وفي حالة تأخره عن السداد يؤول العطاء للشخص الذي يليه مباشرة مع عدم إمكانية ترجيع الصك.

في حالة حدوث أي مشاكل أمنية أو تنظيمية أثناء المزاد يحق للجنة المشرفة إيقاف المزاد وتحديد موعد آخر.

يكون نقل البضاعة والمناولة على مسئولية من يرسو عليه العطاء وأن يتكفل بنقل جميع المواد خلال مدة زمنية لاتتجاوز أسبوع من تاريخ المزاد وعلى نفقته الخاصة.

لأي استفسار يمكن الاتصال بلجنة المزاد في أوقات الدوام الرسمي على أرقام الهواتف الآتية

021-3350401رقم هاتف مبروك للعمليات النفطية

1496-1395رقم داخلي

Assessment To Identify the High-potential Employees

    Mabruk Oil Operations invites interested Local and International Companies (or their representatives) specialized in providing Consultancy Services in the field of the Human Resources to expedite the submission of their offers in regard the services described in the document attached, so that Mabruk Oil Operations Company can study and evaluate the offers.

Please, note that the deadline for receipt of the required offers is Thursday, 15/06/2017 at 12:00 noon local time.

Mabruk Oil Operations Career Management Section Dhat El Imad Complex Tower 4, 3rd Floor Tripoli, Libya Tel: +218 21 3350401,3/6 Ext. 1604 & 1430


 Assessment To Identify the High-potential Employees


Assessment To Identify the High-potential Employees

Mabruk Oil Operations invites interested Local and International Companies (or their representatives) specialized in providing Consultancy Services in the field of the Human Resources to expedite the submission of their offers in regard the services described in the document attached, so that Mabruk Oil Operations Company can study and evaluate the offers. Please, note that the deadline for receipt of the required offers is Thursday, 15/06/2017 at 12:00 noon local time. Mabruk Oil Operations Career Management Section Dhat El Imad Complex Tower 4, 3rd Floor Tripoli, Libya Tel: +218 21 3350401,3/6 Ext. 1604 & 1430


Mabruk Oil Operations (MOO) invites interested local and international companies or their representatives specializing in providing BEVERAGE AND CLEANING SERVICES- TRIPOLI OFFICE, to participate in the said TENDER and to collect the Call for Tender package at our office at the following address: MABRUK OIL OPERATIONS Dhat El Imad Complex – Tower 4 Floor 07
  1. Box: 91171, Tripoli, Libya
Attn.  Mr. Ali MSALEM – Office # 11 Tender Committee Coordinator Tel: + (218) 21 335 0401 –   Ext.: 1436   SCOPE OF SERVICE: BEVERAGE AND CLEANING SERVICES- TRIPOLI OFFICE PARTICIPATION:
  • This invitation will remain posted on website until -12/06/2017 2:00 p.m. local time.
  • The last date to pick up the Call for Tender package is 12/06/2017
  • The last date to receive the offers is 19 /06 /2017 at 2:00 p.m. local time. Accordingly, all interested contractors should submit their offers not later than this date. Any offers submitted after this date will be disregarded.


Mabruk Oil Operations (MOO) invites interested local and international companies or their representatives specializing in providing Offshore vessel tug boat, to participate in the said TENDER and to collect the Call for Tender package at our office at the following address: MABRUK OIL OPERATIONS Dhat El Imad Complex – Tower 4 Floor 07
  1. Box: 91171, Tripoli, Libya
Attn.  Mr. Ali MSALEM – Office №: 11 Tender Committee Coordinator Tel: + (218) 21 335 0401 –   Ext.: 1436
OFFSHORE VESSEL CHARTER SERVICES DownloadOffshore Charter Services 


Mabruk Oil Operations (MOO) invites interested local and international companies or their representatives specializing in providing Health care provision (Insurance) Comprehensive Health Services, to participate in the said TENDER and to collect the Call for Tender package at our office at the following address: MABRUK OIL OPERATIONS Dhat El Imad Complex – Tower 4 Floor 07
  1. Box: 91171, Tripoli, Libya 
Attn.  Mr. Ali MSALEM – Office # 11 Tender Committee Coordinator Tel: + (218) 21 335 0401 –   Ext.: 1436  Scope of Service: Health care provision (Insurance) Comprehensive Health Services TC17 071L Medical Insurance CFT HRA 385 2016 TIP.ITT rev.01 Participation: This invitation will remain posted on the NOC & MOO websites and the Bidders’ final date of collecting the CFT package from our office will not be later than 10/05/2017 2:00 p.m. local time. The last date to receive the offers will be changed to earlier date i.e. 24/05/2017 at 2:00 p.m. local time. Accordingly, all interested contractors should submit their offers not later than this date. Any offers submitted after this date will be disregarded.


Mabruk Oil Operations (MOO) invites interested local and international companies or their representatives specializing in providing Offshore Patrol Vessel, to participate in the said TENDER and to collect the Call for Tender package at our office at the following address:   MABRUK OIL OPERATIONS Dhat El Imad Complex – Tower 4 Floor 07
  1. Box: 91171, Tripoli, Libya
Attn.  Mr. Ali MSALEM – Office # 11 Tender Committee Coordinator Tel: + (218) 21 335 0401 –   Ext.: 1436   SCOPE OF SERVICE:
  • Offshore Patrol Vessel Services
OFFSHORE PATROL VESSEL Offshore Patrol Vessel Document    

Computer Leasing Survey

po Mabruk Oil operation wishes to carry out the survey regarding the leasing of PC’s & laptops for interested companies for a three year contract.  Scope of services:
  • Leasing of Computers, Laptops and Workstations including SLA
  • The total numbers of PC are 300 approx
  • The total numbers of Laptops are 130 approx
Interested companies to comply with the following
  • Registration in Libya
  • Equipment brand to be Dell, HP, Toshiba or Acer
  • SLA
 All interested companies should send their company profile to

Computer Leasing Survey

Mabruk Oil operation wishes to carry out the survey regarding the leasing of PC’s & laptops for interested companies for a three year contract.  Scope of services:
  • Leasing of Computers, Laptops and Workstations including SLA
  • The total numbers of PC are 300 approx
  • The total numbers of Laptops are 130 approx
Interested companies to comply with the following
  • Registration in Libya
  • Equipment brand to be Dell, HP, Toshiba or Acer
  • SLA
 All interested companies should send their company profile to

Lease of VSAT Services- CFT/IST/379/2016/TIP

Mabruk Oil Operations (hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY) invites interested local and international companies (or their representatives) specialized in providing “Lease of VSAT Services” to submit to COMPANY their completed Pre-qualification documents, for evaluation and preparation of a bidders list, as COMPANY intends shortly to issue a Call for Tender for “Lease of VSAT Services” to support its operations as described below: Scope of Services: Providing VSAT services on rental bases for COMPANY use in its locations. VSAT network services that links the following locations:
  • COMPANY’s Main Office in Dhat El-Imad
  • Offshore Al-Jurf Field
160KM North West of Tripoli  Tripoli Warehouse This VSAT network is for Voice and Data (VPN) connectivity and to be considered as a back bone between the main office in Tripoli and the remote sites. This is to be a mesh network with 2Mbps (uplink/downlink) for data from the remote sites and extra 20 phone lines in AL-JURF Offshore Field, the existing PBX Ericson MX1 to connect to ISDN interface (E1) for (Tripoli site, AL-JURF Field). The dish at AlJurf must be specific to offshore platform environment. Regarding Tripoli Warehouse 0.75 Kbp/s Up-Link and 1 Mbp/s Down-link. Participation: This announcement will remain posted on the National Oil Cooperation & Mabruk Oil Operations websites until 12:00 hrs. local time, 10/11/2016. The last date to receive the prequalification documents from the participants is 15/11/2016 at 12:00 hrs. local time. Accordingly, all interested companies should submit the required Pre-qualification information (Pre-qualification questionnaire) no later than this date. Any document submitted after this date will be disregarded. download-table vsat-web-annoucement-cft-ist-379-2016-tip